Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I hate arguing. I avoid it as much as possible, but this argument was different, and would prove to be the best of my life thus far.
It went something like this:
Miller handed me his sippy cup after a second filling of milk.
Me: (made the sign for "all finished") "All done."
Miller: (makes the sign for "more" and points to his sippy cup)
Me: "No, all done."
Miller: (makes the sign for "more" wildly and points to his sippy cup)
Me: "No, we are all done!"
Miller: (stomps feet, whines loudly, and points)
Me: "All done."
It went like this several more times with Miller growing more frustrated that I was ignoring his signs.
In the end he won, and after a third helping of milk, he promptly passed out on the couch. I think I have a milkaholic on my hands...
This was Miller's first real non-verbal communication with me that was completely comprehensive and held attention. I am so proud.

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