Thursday, April 7, 2011

Star Student

Thursdays are one of my favorite days. Not only is Miller in school all day, but it's both my and Terry's day off. It's one the very few times we get to connect during the week and just talk.
Today over breakfast, I had concerns that Miller wasn't being challanged enough. I know he is so bright and I really just want him to reach his full potential. All this stemmed from me joining a new social networking group for parents of kids and adults with autism and aspergers syndrome. I looked at several profiles and found one about a mom who's daughter was diagnosed at about the same age as Miller and had more severe symptoms. They enrolled in ABA therapy 30 hours a week and within a year, saw amazing results. The child is now 11 and in the 4th grade at a regular public school. I had a total melt down. I want this for Miller. But after doing much research, ABA therapy is just out of our financial reach (running upwards of $1,500 a month!). There are grants to apply for, and classes and videos to learn from, and that will have to suffice. So, while I was telling Terry all this, he did his best to reassure me about Miller's current education. Miller has made so many baby steps since he started at his new school. I guess I got caught up in the future.
Later in the day, Terry and I picked up Miller from school and upon emptying his backpack, found a little award Miller had been given. It read: "Star Student! Miller played chase with a friend!". It named the place and date, and was signed buy his teacher. Miller's first documented interaction with a peer! How awesome! We are so proud of him.