Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A School Year Later

Well, Miller just had his last day of preschool for the year...at least until he starts summer school.
I am so proud of all the progress he has made.  A few of the big accomplishments include potty training, drawing vertical lines, horizontal lines, and circles, learning 10 different colors and shapes, matching and sorting, learning the first part of the alphabet (in visual-card form) using scissors independently, playing with friends and socializing, taking turns, and trying new foods!
I hope next school year goes as well as this one has gone.  We are also so fortunate to have an AMAZING, devoted school team.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Hidden Stress

This article really addresses the stresses that parents of autistic children face everyday.  A very interesting read.
