Friday, June 17, 2011


I think as a parent, we refuse to acknowledge certian traits, or are even afraid of traits that we find undesirable in our children. All of Miller's autistic traits I have accepted and learned to live with as normal behavior. However, tonight I looked up from my TV show to see that Miller had neatly piled all his toys in the center of the room. Not a normal thing for him. He is more of the toss and throw type. The items were placed so quietly and meticulously, I didn't even realize he was doing it. I was a bit frightened, which sounds bad, but if you know Miller, he likes to have his presence known. This new action is also a symptom of a more severe autism spectrum. So I am also frightened that he is getting worse. Maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions, but there is always fear. Only time will tell.

1 comment:

  1. *HUGS* It will get better, and he will always be a wonderful and amazing boy. :)
