Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Leading By Example

I just read this article, and it really hit home for me.  Especially after dealing with a few very difficult and frustrating weeks.  Read, enjoy and lead by example.


Monday, July 23, 2012

Error, ERROR!!!!

It's 3am and I'm up.  This is not unusual, except tonight I had gone to bed at a decent hour in expectations of sleeping until 6am when Miller would wake up with the sun demanding food and some TV.
However, I woke up to a crying, mess of a Miller.  I thought he was cold.  I gave him a warmer shirt.  Then he runs to the kitchen and signs "more" and "hungry".  Ok, easy enough, right?  WRONG!  I give him his favorite snacks and he just screams and signs more frantically.  I show him a banana, which he grabs, so I cut that up.  NOPE.  I ask if he wants milk, the king and of all beverages to him.  NO WAY! I drag a screaming, signing Miller to the bathroom and make him go.  NO! By now you can imagine I'm frustrated and a but concerned.  Miller has never acted this way before.  Especially refusing all his favorite foods.  We go back into the kitchen and Miller is freaking out worse and stomping.  I go and wake Terry up.  We are both in a showoff with an angry 4-year-old.  The worst kind of showoff to be in.  Finally in desperation, I grab the bread and Miller politely points to it.  THE CHILD JUST WANTED A SANDWICH! Oh my.  So, I'm making a better PECS strip for the kitchen to avoid future flip outs and save me some much needed sanity.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

iPad, Therefore I am

I am SO amazingly thankful to my wonderful family for getting Miller his iPad.  It's done wonders.  Here's a great article about using the iPad for educational purposes.


Immune Irregularities Linked To Autism?

Friday, July 13, 2012


We all do it.  Outwardly, personally, secretly. Judging.  You learn to live with it, combat it and grow from it.  Until it's all about your child.  This article brings to light an issue that I have addressed before, and continue to struggle with everyday.  And it's only getting worse as Miller grows older.

"Among the problems that parents identified, dealing with judgments from other adults ranked second only to dealing with their child's behavioral problems."
