Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Nutritional Therapy?

Many autism experts have long believed that diet plays a key role in the "cure" for autism.  I've done some research on the subject and after trying to finesse Miller into drinking organic rice milk and eat lactose-gluten free mac n' cheese, I have concluded that this is not the right move for us. I am really fortunate that Miller is such a good eater and I would like to keep that going.
However, I just found this article about a new nutritional therapy that just might be worth looking into.


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

That Time of Year

Summer is almost upon us and Miller will be out of school soon...that means LOTS of free time that needs to be filled with activities to keep Miller, me and Terry from going completely nuts.
I have a few summer things planned, but I hope to have many more in the coming weeks.  I can't believe that it's almost Memorial Day!
In other news, Miller has been doing wonderful at school.  I am so proud of his constant progress.  He is also going to summer school again this year, but that will only last about a month, so hopefully he won't lose all the stuff he already learned!
Miller has also started to mimic our actions! We can go through the entire "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" song with him following us.  His imagination has also improved.  He is creating games, and looking through books.
I am really looking forward to the coming months!