Monday, June 27, 2011

The Genome Update

Last October, Terry, Miller and I went to Children's Hospital to have blood drawn for a research project and just got our results in! Neither Terry, nor I carry the genome they were looking for and even more surprising is that Miller doesn't carry it either. What that means is that Miller's autism is an isolated case within out genetic makeup. Very interesting, relieving and reassuring to all involved.

Friday, June 17, 2011


I think as a parent, we refuse to acknowledge certian traits, or are even afraid of traits that we find undesirable in our children. All of Miller's autistic traits I have accepted and learned to live with as normal behavior. However, tonight I looked up from my TV show to see that Miller had neatly piled all his toys in the center of the room. Not a normal thing for him. He is more of the toss and throw type. The items were placed so quietly and meticulously, I didn't even realize he was doing it. I was a bit frightened, which sounds bad, but if you know Miller, he likes to have his presence known. This new action is also a symptom of a more severe autism spectrum. So I am also frightened that he is getting worse. Maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions, but there is always fear. Only time will tell.