What are you thankful for this year?
I am so thankful for my wonderful, smart, sweet, funny, caring little boy. He is my love, my light and my life. I am so thankful today that I got a call from Seattle Children's Autism Center to schedule our ADOS test after a year of waiting.
I am thankful for my wonderful family and friends, without whom I couldn't imagine life. I am thankful that I am able to have a safe, warm home, and nice job, and for the most part, good health.
This year has brought me joy and sorrow, I have learned strength and weakness, and I have climbed mountains and fallen in ditches. But through it all I remember at the end of the day, I have Miller. I can be completely angry at him for something and he'll come up to me and want a kiss on his forehead. He has so much joy and wonder. I wish I could feel that way as well. But that is the magic of childhood.
It was amazing watching him try to catch snowflakes in his hand. He thought they were so awesome. He was dancing all the way to the car even in the freezing cold.
I can't wait until next year when I can look back and remember all the wonderful things of the year.