Just about a week ago, Miller signed his first word: "more"while playing with one of is favorite things, a giant parachute! Terry and I are so thrilled! Hopefully all this class time is finally sinking in. Miller is also able to play "Patty Cake" all on his own. I sing the rhyme, and Miller does all the motions. This is a game we've been playing since he was a little baby, but we've always aided him with the motions. So much fun! I also have Miller's first piece of art hanging on the refrigerator. It's so awesome to have him come home with his little art projects.
I had a meeting today with a representative from the Lake Washington school district. We are getting everything ready for Miller's big move into actual preschool. I was a little weary going into the meeting, but I feel much more optimistic after getting a huge packet about what's going to happen, and all the options we have. The last thing I want is for Miller to fall through the cracks of the public school system. Big changes to come, but I know Miller will do great.
Poor Miller came down with a cold about 10 days ago, and it just seems to want to hang on. Hopefully he will be able to go to class tomorrow, he already missed nearly all of his classes last week. Not a good sign for the months to come.